Sluice Box Adventures
Believing Bible Study in the 21st century
King James Bible Study ... learn The Bible ... receive Help in the time of need!
1 Thessalonians 2:13 "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe."
Cowden International © 2013 John Cowden
Used by Permssion on Sluice Box Adventures - Bible 1611 - Old Paths Baptist Mission
Statement of Purpose
Second Peter 1:21 declares in reference to the Hebrew prophets, that Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
If God's word is forever settled in heaven, is it reasonable that he should impart it to men on earth, and then fail to perpetuate the record of those divine utterances?
The following treatise represents a humble attempt to reduce to its simplest terms God's providential preservation of the inspired body of Truth called the Bible.
It is not my purpose to present a technical comparison of the ancient textual sources underlying modem translations.
Several excellent works are readily available which exhaust that subject sufficiently to edify even the most inquisitive truth-seeker.
If however, these few brief comments should help some soul to
recognize the true identity of God's written word, and to reverently
appreciate its authority, our mission will have been accomplished.
Second printing: April 1996
Extensively revised and updated for internet publication: January, 2013
Christian, do you believe that your Heavenly Father inspired the very words of scripture?
Now imagine that the Lord’s own words were compiled in a book and placed on the desk before you. Would you take it up gladly, cherish it and read it?
If not, please trouble yourself no further. If, on the other hand, you would, but aren't fully aware that he did, this message is addressed to you.
If such a Book - the very words of God - does exist, then a saint's most pertinent question should be, "Where are God's words?"
You may rest assured that they have been available in the past. During Manasseh's (one of Judah's worst kings) reign, the book of God's Law lay buried beneath the rubbish of a desecrated temple.
When the book was found during the reign of Josiah (2Chron 34), Jeremiah exclaimed, Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name O LORD God of hosts (Jer 15:16).
When any searching saint at last finds the book of God’s words, and; like Jeremiah, Ezekiel (Eze 3:3), or John (Rev 10:10), “eats” it up; its sweetness will become the joy and rejoicing of his or her heart.
1. Where Were God's Words In The Past?
2. Heaven and Earth Shall Pass Away . . .
3. Unto the Pure All Things Are Pure
4. The Word Is Nigh Thee
5. Sevenfold Purification Requires Blood
6. Seven Times Through A Furnace of Earth
7. Pure Silver
8. The Ubiquity of the English Bible
1. Where Were God's Words In The
Actually God's words were accessible to men long ere they were written on tables-of stone or proliferated through the art of printing.
They were originally inscribed by their author on fleshy tables of the heart (2Cor 3:3). This by no means supports the notion that the Bible is a sort of religious montage, pasted together across the centuries at the whim of scribes who captured, collated and edited ancient Jewish oral traditions. Read more?
2. Heaven and Earth Shall
Pass Away . . .
Certainly no two individuals have been afforded exactly the same opportunities, physical advantages, and mental capability.
Accepting that premise, only a fool would claim that every person in every age has had equal access to the written text of Scripture.
This by no means implies that God is unfair. It does, however, point to the dispensational plan so apparent in God's dealings with mankind throughout history.
Make no mistake; the Lord will hold every person accountable for the light available to him. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required. (Luke 12:48) Read more?
3. Unto the Pure All Things Are
Now take your King James Bible and read carefully the sixth verse of Psalm 12 where David says, The words of the LORD are pure words.
Ask yourself this question: Does what I just read in Psalm 12:6 apply to the words of Psalm 12:6 themselves? You may need to meditate on that before considering the following: Did the LORD inspire the psalmist to write such a declaration?
If so, were David's words in Psalm 12:6 also "the words of the LORD"? If they were the words of the LORD, must it not follow logically that they were pure? Read more?
We have deduced, both logically and from an examination of Bible references, that at the time of its writing, any original autograph of Scripture would have to be considered inspired of God.
If the Lord has indeed preserved his purified words as he promised, despite Satan's incessant campaign to corrupt them, are we limited to the conclusion that the "original manuscripts" must still be available somewhere on earth? Read more?
5. Sevenfold Purification
Requires Blood
Every word of God is Pure. Verse 140 of the One hundred nineteenth Psalm reads, Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.
If the Bible states anything clearly regarding Adam's descendants, it's that everything they touch gets contaminated. And anyone who doesn't believe it just like the Bible says it is a self-deluded ignoramus who can't read a daily newspaper. Read more?
6. Seven Times Through A
Furnace of Earth
God Almighty has blessed his word in the form of the Authorized King James Bible in a way never seen before in the history of written language.
If the men who translated it little realized the true magnitude of their work it’s no marvel.
The human instruments who penned original autographs, as well as those who through the centuries have engaged in preservation, restoration and translation of the Scriptures into other languages have never considered their own work inspired, infallible or above reproach.
Attestation to these qualities could only come from the hearts of others as the Holy Spirit bore witness with the spirits of believers, confirming the truth and perfection of His words. Read more?
7. Pure Silver
The year is 1611.
An unknown apprentice in a print-shop near Cambridge holds in his hands the first proof copy of that greatest of all books.
Certainly he can be excused for failing to realize that he is gazing upon nothing less than God's inspired, preserved, purified, and perfect words.
Although he holds in his hands the printer’s proof, he has not yet seen proof of God’s blessing on what he holds. Read more?