FBBC LogoChurch (920) 435-3842

Our Beliefs

  • The church should be autonomous or self-governing.
  • The believer does not need a priest, other than Jesus Christ, to come boldly to God. Every Christian has equal access to God personally.
  • God's word gives us two ordinances for the church - baptism and the Lord's table.
  • Each person is individually responsible for his decision to accept Christ.
  • The separation of church and state is biblical.
  • The believer is eternally secure and cannot lose his salvation.
  • There are two biblical offices in the church, pastors
    and deacons.


What We BelieveHarley Keck

  • 1. We believe the moral decay in America can be laid at the doorstep of its churches. In too many cases, the world has turned to the church in the time of need and found the church just like the world.
  • 2. We believe it is Scriptural to leave a cold dead church and join one that believes and lives the Bible. We don't believe God is done with His church, though He may be done with the churches no longer His.
  • 3. There is no sin too big for God to forgive. Men don't go to hell for what they have done, but because they don't have a Savior!
  • 4. There is too much dependence upon emotion in what America sees as Christianity today. Ritual, emotion, excitement, money, and salesmanship can never produce the results of the Holy Spirit.
  • 5. Families can be put back together and strengthened. This will require the re-establishing of the proper Biblical authority in the home.
  • 6. We believe there are no proven errors in the King James Bible!

By Harley Keck, Pastor,First Bible Baptist Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin