Sluice Box Adventures

Believing Bible Study in the 21st century

Termites in the Wall, Or Replacement Theology (or Supersessionism)

Psalms 12:6-7 "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."

1 Thessalonians 2:13 "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe."

Replace Theology

Termites in the Wall, Or Replacement Theology (or Supersessionism)

Old Paths Baptist Mission © 2019 Richard St.James


There are those who hold to something called Replacement Theology [or Supersessionism].

Replacement Theology is a variant of Covenant Theology.

 Replacement Theology maintains that the Jews are no longer God’s chosen people, and that God does not have any future plan for the literal, physical nation of Israel [to be head of all nations in a future one-thousand-year Kingdom of Heaven].

Replacement Theology also maintains that the church has replaced Israel.

And finally, there are those who want to rid the nation of Israel from off the face of the earth for the sake of world peace and safety. [See 1 Thessalonians 5:3 to see what happens to them.]

Those who hold in their gut Replacement Theology are like the termites in the wall. They will eat you out of house and home! Have nothing to do with them [Ezra 4:3]!

God has a very different opinion concerning this whole matter.

I have question for you. Do you want to know HIS opinion in the matter?

Well, follow through with me.

This message shows God intends to restore the literal, physical nation of Israel in a millennial Kingdom of Heaven, and that in the very near future—in spite of the opposition of the United Nations.

Read your Bible! Believe your Bible.!

[Now, this Bible I am referring to is the King James Bible—the Authorized Version of 1611, or any of its editions.]

1. The Promise by God for the Restoration of the House of Israel / 2.  The New Testament saints of Rome are told about the future restoration of the House of Israel Replacement Theology

We begin here: Life and Peace.

What does mankind want more than anything else?

He wants to live and never die.

And what else does man want?

He wants peace … and safety … and no war.

Mankind wants to live in peace and safety! [Further than that, he wants to live in peace and in safety without God.]

Read more?

3. The Olive Tree Replacement Theology

This message dwells on the olive tree for good reason.

Above all trees, even beyond the cedar, the olive tree is the most important tree to God [perhaps even above the palm tree as we shall see].

We are shown this truth in God’s word in the building of the temple [1 Kings 6:23, 31-33].

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4. The Quickening of the House of Israel  Replacement Theology

[We have here many dry bones hearing the word of the LORD and breathing and coming together.]
God is the engineer.

God is the designer, and God is the artificer.

God connects it all together in the eerie din of the rumbling, rattling noise!

Admit it! There is just no room for old Charles Darwin and all the fools working for the Devil to compete here.

 Read more?

The Five Fallen Kings in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Or Called The Stone Effect

The Preface

1. 1. The Promise by God for the Restoration of the House of Israel

2. The New Testament saints of Rome are told about the future restoration of the House of Israel  

3. The Olive Tree

4. The Quickening of the House of Israel
