Sluice Box Adventures
Believing Bible Study in the 21st century
End Of Age Messages
When the stressors come...and they will come to all of us sometime...somewhere...somehow... we just have to remember they come to make us stronger...they temper our metal.
King James Bible Study ... learn The Bible ... receive Help in the time of need!
The Stresses of Life
Ann Reagan 2008

Ain't it just dandy getting older and dealing with stress? But you know....only the dead or totally dull never experience any stress. So I guess that
"spice of life" that I have heard about all my life must somehow be connected with StReSs. It must surely be one of those little spices that have a
genuine kick and bite to them....maybe like hot pepper...just makes your eyes water something fierce and Wow does it burn! Stress can be like that too.
When the stressors come...and they will come to all of us sometime...somewhere...somehow... we just have to remember they come to make us stronger...they temper our metal. Don't give up...give in or crumble in a heap before the stressors in your life. Hand them to God with an obedient heart and let God carry your burden....the load is so much lighter that way. I have a tendency to try to carry it all by myself....and it seems recently that God spoke to my heart as He walked along beside me and gently reminded me...."you're doing it again.....I am here with my arms ready to take your load....but you have to let go of it first."
Often it is the encouragement and prayers of God's people too that He uses to help raise the burden from our shoulders and place it all on Him. Isn't His love so sweet and so precious? Today was one of those days for me....the problems weren't resolved but just handing them and the outcome over to God....lifted that load right off my shoulders and I suddenly found the refreshing and renewing of my spirit. The outcome is the Lord's business...not mine. He asks me and all of us just to be obedient and willing servants....that is where I believe is the place that the Psalmist spoke of when he wrote: Psalm 23:2
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
Those green pastures provide nourishment and the still waters make it possible to take a long refreshing drink of the living waters from God. Can you just picture that scene in your mind? Oh what a loving and caring Shepherd we have who is ready and able to help us through the stress filled times. He can make our heart to be at peace when everything around us just seems to falling apart.
He takes such good care of all of His sheep. Let the Shepherd help you with your worries and stress.
What a blessing to be a child of God!
The LORD'S Messenger
A Message To The People
“Then spake Haggai the LORD'S messenger in the LORD'S message unto the people, saying, I am with you, saith the LORD.” Haggai 1:13