Sluice Box Adventures
Believing Bible Study in the 21st century
For Women &
Proverbs 31
King James Bible
Daughters of Faith
An Internet Ministry For Encouragement Of Christian Girls and Ladies Around the World.
Daughters of Faith
September / October Issue 2003
Hi, girls! I hope this paper finds you all doing very well! I have to be honest and tell you that not all of the ideas in this paragraph are my own this month. Several ladies from my church went to the Ladies’ Extravaganza at Pastor Clear’s church in Rosemount, Minnesota and we came back having learned so much! I’d like to share with you some things that Mrs. Francie Taylor (she is such a sweet lady!) taught the teenage girls about being a royal princess that I hope will be a blessing to you.
Well, as you know, here in America we do not have princesses, but in other foreign countries, princesses hold a very high degree of honor. Let’s discuss first what a royal princess owns. She owns just about anything that her heart desires! If I remember correctly, a princess usually owns somewhere around 90 dress suits, not including dresses or blouses, just suits. She never needs to worry about whether she is dressed all right for a special occasion! She has several servants who do almost everything for her. Her fame is spread throughout the world. There are also many negatives about being a royal princess. What is expected of her? She must conduct herself wisely, because she is constantly followed around by cameras. A princess can’t have a bad day, because it’s soon to be in the papers all over. If she ever gains an ounce of weight, she is criticized. She lives much of her life alone because her prince is gone visiting other lands most of the time. Often, her life ends in suicide or illness.
Maybe when you were a little girl, you wanted to be a princess. After hearing these bad things about princesses, I don’t know if you still do, but I have some great news for you – If you have accepted Jesus Christ’s free gift of salvation, you are a royal princess who can enjoy a much better life than any princess of this earth ever has. The King of Kings lives inside you!
Since we are daughters of royalty, let’s talk about our privileges. Colossians 2:3 states, “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” What an honor to serve a King who possesses such wonderful treasures! As His children, we can inherit these things by just asking for them. He wants to bless us if we are doing His will and obeying Him. We own a copy of God’s Word, which contains all of His precious treasures. Last on my list, but definitely not least, we have that peace that passes all understanding through the knowing that we are on our way to Heaven. That is the highest honor of a child of God.
Next, what does God expect of His children? He expects us to conduct ourselves in a manner so that the world will have no doubt about whose daughter we are. Titus 2:5 tells us that we are to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient. We are to be lights in a dark and sinful world, shining “more and more unto the perfect day”. The world should see that we are different. Be proud of your heritage, and don’t be discouraged by the world’s mocking. We serve a far better King than they do! The negatives of being a child of God come only when we disobey or displease the King by dishonoring His name. God wants far more to bless you than to punish you. He is with you every moment of every day so that you are never alone. Isn’t it an honor to be loved that much? God’s family is indeed a very special family.
Please look deep inside yourself today and ask yourself these two questions:
#1: “Am I truly part of God’s royal family?”
If you cannot answer a definite “Yes” to that, then please join today. There is no greater joy than knowing that you are forgiven and secure in the Lord. Just trust in Him to forgive your sins, and ask Him to come into your heart to save you. He is waiting for you to enter His family. You can become a royal princess right now!
#2: “If I am a child of God, can others tell that I belong to the King?”
Decide today to start being proud of who you are, and telling others how they also can be saved.
If you made an important decision today, please let us know so we can rejoice with you!
Here is a recipe I’ve never tried, but I thought it would go well with this paragraph. When you make it, think about how God made you a daughter of royalty.
Diamond Gems
2 cups flour
2 sticks melted butter
4 tablespoons sugar
1 cup chopped pecans
2 teaspoons vanilla
Powdered Sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
Mix all ingredients and use a teaspoon to shape and drop on a cookie sheet. Bake @ 350? for 17 minutes. Cool 5 minutes then roll them in the powdered sugar.
Makes: 3 - 4 dozen
Love in Christ,
Heidi Lemeister
Hello, Ladies! What a wonderful Summer we had. I am not talking about the heat, I am talking about God’s grace!
There are many times in our lives when we as Christians feel that we have failed God in some aspect of our life, but God’s grace is a most precious treasure that He has given us.
You can always tell when God’s moving because that is usually the time the devil tries to distract and discourage us from God’s will and way. Often times we go through trials that are from God because He is trying to strengthen our faith in Him, but with these trials also comes God’s grace to show us that He is there…going through it with us. Always remember that: The grace that saved us is the grace that will lift us up!
The next time you feel that you have failed God one too many times, and are ready to give up, don’t forget that God has grace heaped upon grace. So reach into that treasure of grace, and take it wherever you go in life. Because no matter how much you need, God’s treasure chest of grace never runs out; there is always more to follow.
In Christ,
Megan Bedwell
John 1:16; Matthew 5:16
A terrible thing had happened; Jesus’ cousin, John, had been beheaded by the wicked king, Herod (you can read about it in Matthew 14:1-21). While reading this account the other day, I noticed something I had not noticed before.
Jesus understands our grief. He understands all our hurts and our sorrow. In John 14:18 He says, “I will not leave your comfortless: I will come to you.” The most amazing and encouraging thing to me here is found in verses 13 and 14. Jesus was hurting and mourning the loss of John. He sought a quiet place, like many of us in times of hurting. Multitudes followed, however, and there was no quietness to be found. Now, if this was me, I would probably not be a very nice person. If we are to be like Jesus though, we will learn a lesson here; one that hit me like a ton of bricks. Even in a time of sorrow and hurt, Jesus ministered to the multitude. He did not let His feeling control His actions, and not long after that a miracle happened! Keep reading!
If we are to be like Jesus we must look to Him as our example and do our best to follow in His footsteps. You may be hurting from a death in the family, sickness, the betrayal of family or friends…whatever it may be, don’t get discouraged. Jesus is waiting for you to come to Him so He can comfort you.
Don’t let your hurting keep you from helping others. Helping others is a great way to help heal your own broken spirit. With Jesus at your side, you can do it. Great things will happen when you allow God to use you in your times of brokenness. In fact, it is during these times that He is shown in an even greater and mightier way. So, let Him do something wonderful in your life, even when you are hurting.
Chaille Jacobson
Hello Ladies, I hope you are all doing well. Here, I have a joke for you (as usual!):
Q: What smells the best in a bakery?
Give up?
A: Your nose!
Yeah. Another nonsense joke. Oh well!
Okay, I know I’m supposed to talk to you all about being joyful, so I though, what better to talk to you about than things that I myself have trouble being joyful doing? Like…CHORES!
When we have chores to do, are we doing them with happy hearts or are we doing it with a grumbling and complaining heart? Psalm 9:2 says, “I will rejoice and be glad in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.” 1 Thessalonians says, “Rejoice evermore.” It does not say, “Rejoice only when you are having a good time.” It simply says, “Rejoice EVERMORE!” So, I just want to leave you (and me) with this thought…Are you doing your chores or work with a joyful heart? Or are you doing it with a grumbling and complaining heart? Which do you think pleases God more?
In Christ,
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11
I have lived long enough to know there has never been a time when professing Christians have been more discontent than today. Regardless of what we have, it is never enough, and no matter how God blesses us, we still gripe and complain. Many Christians believe if they do enough “works” for God, He will give them contentment because they will have “earned” it.
Contentment is not necessarily happiness or the absence of trials, nor is it simply being complacent. It is an inward peace; not complaining, but being easy in mind and heart. God wants His children to be content – not merely with material things, but being happy enough with what we have, who we are, and what the Lord has done for us. We need to stop looking to God as the Supplier of things, and start loving Him for who He is.
In Philippians 4:11, Paul said he had “learned” to be content. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But how do we learn to be content? I like practical steps to reach a goal, so I made the following list to help me learn to be content, and I pray it will be a blessing to you.
1. Work at it. Contentment does not come naturally.
2. If it is to be, it’s up to me. Why? Because I am the one who will benefit and no price is too high to pay. Don’t blame other or depend upon others or things. With God’s help, I can control my thoughts, feelings and reaction. Nothing affects me unless I let it.
3. Start where I am. Don’t play the “if” game. (“If” my circumstances were different, “if” I had different parents, “if” I had this or that, “if” my health were better, “if” I had not done so and so, “if”, “if”, “if”.)
4. Make a list of good things about my life and add to that list regularly. Thank God daily – out loud – for things on that list. Hearing myself voice my thanks will reinforce it in my heart and mind.
5. Don’t gripe or complain to myself or to others (tell only God of my doubts, fears, and disappointments). Discontentment voiced, grows.
6. Express love and appreciation to my family and friends whether or not I fee like it. Praise is contagious!
7. Invest in the lives of others.
8. Fill my life with godly things. (Philippians 4:6-9)
9. Don’t say “I can’t”. (Philippians 4:13)
10. Being content today is no guarantee for tomorrow. Contentment evaporates like water. Contentment is only possible if I am in the will of God.
“And let the peace of God rule in your heart….” Colossians 3:15
Greetings & Salutations!
The Treasure Box
By: Miss Heidi LesmeisterHi, girls! I hope this paper finds you all doing very well! I have to be honest and tell you that not all of the ideas in this paragraph are my own this month. Several ladies from my church went to the Ladies’ Extravaganza at Pastor Clear’s church in Rosemount, Minnesota and we came back having learned so much! I’d like to share with you some things that Mrs. Francie Taylor (she is such a sweet lady!) taught the teenage girls about being a royal princess that I hope will be a blessing to you.
Well, as you know, here in America we do not have princesses, but in other foreign countries, princesses hold a very high degree of honor. Let’s discuss first what a royal princess owns. She owns just about anything that her heart desires! If I remember correctly, a princess usually owns somewhere around 90 dress suits, not including dresses or blouses, just suits. She never needs to worry about whether she is dressed all right for a special occasion! She has several servants who do almost everything for her. Her fame is spread throughout the world. There are also many negatives about being a royal princess. What is expected of her? She must conduct herself wisely, because she is constantly followed around by cameras. A princess can’t have a bad day, because it’s soon to be in the papers all over. If she ever gains an ounce of weight, she is criticized. She lives much of her life alone because her prince is gone visiting other lands most of the time. Often, her life ends in suicide or illness.
Maybe when you were a little girl, you wanted to be a princess. After hearing these bad things about princesses, I don’t know if you still do, but I have some great news for you – If you have accepted Jesus Christ’s free gift of salvation, you are a royal princess who can enjoy a much better life than any princess of this earth ever has. The King of Kings lives inside you!
Since we are daughters of royalty, let’s talk about our privileges. Colossians 2:3 states, “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” What an honor to serve a King who possesses such wonderful treasures! As His children, we can inherit these things by just asking for them. He wants to bless us if we are doing His will and obeying Him. We own a copy of God’s Word, which contains all of His precious treasures. Last on my list, but definitely not least, we have that peace that passes all understanding through the knowing that we are on our way to Heaven. That is the highest honor of a child of God.
Next, what does God expect of His children? He expects us to conduct ourselves in a manner so that the world will have no doubt about whose daughter we are. Titus 2:5 tells us that we are to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient. We are to be lights in a dark and sinful world, shining “more and more unto the perfect day”. The world should see that we are different. Be proud of your heritage, and don’t be discouraged by the world’s mocking. We serve a far better King than they do! The negatives of being a child of God come only when we disobey or displease the King by dishonoring His name. God wants far more to bless you than to punish you. He is with you every moment of every day so that you are never alone. Isn’t it an honor to be loved that much? God’s family is indeed a very special family.
Please look deep inside yourself today and ask yourself these two questions:
#1: “Am I truly part of God’s royal family?”
If you cannot answer a definite “Yes” to that, then please join today. There is no greater joy than knowing that you are forgiven and secure in the Lord. Just trust in Him to forgive your sins, and ask Him to come into your heart to save you. He is waiting for you to enter His family. You can become a royal princess right now!
#2: “If I am a child of God, can others tell that I belong to the King?”
Decide today to start being proud of who you are, and telling others how they also can be saved.
If you made an important decision today, please let us know so we can rejoice with you!
Here is a recipe I’ve never tried, but I thought it would go well with this paragraph. When you make it, think about how God made you a daughter of royalty.
Diamond Gems
2 cups flour
2 sticks melted butter
4 tablespoons sugar
1 cup chopped pecans
2 teaspoons vanilla
Powdered Sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
Mix all ingredients and use a teaspoon to shape and drop on a cookie sheet. Bake @ 350? for 17 minutes. Cool 5 minutes then roll them in the powdered sugar.
Makes: 3 - 4 dozen
Love in Christ,
Heidi Lemeister
Into the Treasury
By: Miss Megan BedwellHello, Ladies! What a wonderful Summer we had. I am not talking about the heat, I am talking about God’s grace!
There are many times in our lives when we as Christians feel that we have failed God in some aspect of our life, but God’s grace is a most precious treasure that He has given us.
You can always tell when God’s moving because that is usually the time the devil tries to distract and discourage us from God’s will and way. Often times we go through trials that are from God because He is trying to strengthen our faith in Him, but with these trials also comes God’s grace to show us that He is there…going through it with us. Always remember that: The grace that saved us is the grace that will lift us up!
The next time you feel that you have failed God one too many times, and are ready to give up, don’t forget that God has grace heaped upon grace. So reach into that treasure of grace, and take it wherever you go in life. Because no matter how much you need, God’s treasure chest of grace never runs out; there is always more to follow.
In Christ,
Megan Bedwell
John 1:16; Matthew 5:16
An Encouraging Word
By: Miss Chaille JacobsonA terrible thing had happened; Jesus’ cousin, John, had been beheaded by the wicked king, Herod (you can read about it in Matthew 14:1-21). While reading this account the other day, I noticed something I had not noticed before.
Jesus understands our grief. He understands all our hurts and our sorrow. In John 14:18 He says, “I will not leave your comfortless: I will come to you.” The most amazing and encouraging thing to me here is found in verses 13 and 14. Jesus was hurting and mourning the loss of John. He sought a quiet place, like many of us in times of hurting. Multitudes followed, however, and there was no quietness to be found. Now, if this was me, I would probably not be a very nice person. If we are to be like Jesus though, we will learn a lesson here; one that hit me like a ton of bricks. Even in a time of sorrow and hurt, Jesus ministered to the multitude. He did not let His feeling control His actions, and not long after that a miracle happened! Keep reading!
If we are to be like Jesus we must look to Him as our example and do our best to follow in His footsteps. You may be hurting from a death in the family, sickness, the betrayal of family or friends…whatever it may be, don’t get discouraged. Jesus is waiting for you to come to Him so He can comfort you.
Don’t let your hurting keep you from helping others. Helping others is a great way to help heal your own broken spirit. With Jesus at your side, you can do it. Great things will happen when you allow God to use you in your times of brokenness. In fact, it is during these times that He is shown in an even greater and mightier way. So, let Him do something wonderful in your life, even when you are hurting.
Chaille Jacobson
There Is Reason to be Joyful
By: Miss Rebekah WarkHello Ladies, I hope you are all doing well. Here, I have a joke for you (as usual!):
Q: What smells the best in a bakery?
Give up?
A: Your nose!
Yeah. Another nonsense joke. Oh well!
Okay, I know I’m supposed to talk to you all about being joyful, so I though, what better to talk to you about than things that I myself have trouble being joyful doing? Like…CHORES!
When we have chores to do, are we doing them with happy hearts or are we doing it with a grumbling and complaining heart? Psalm 9:2 says, “I will rejoice and be glad in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.” 1 Thessalonians says, “Rejoice evermore.” It does not say, “Rejoice only when you are having a good time.” It simply says, “Rejoice EVERMORE!” So, I just want to leave you (and me) with this thought…Are you doing your chores or work with a joyful heart? Or are you doing it with a grumbling and complaining heart? Which do you think pleases God more?
In Christ,
Nana’s Notebook
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11
I have lived long enough to know there has never been a time when professing Christians have been more discontent than today. Regardless of what we have, it is never enough, and no matter how God blesses us, we still gripe and complain. Many Christians believe if they do enough “works” for God, He will give them contentment because they will have “earned” it.
Contentment is not necessarily happiness or the absence of trials, nor is it simply being complacent. It is an inward peace; not complaining, but being easy in mind and heart. God wants His children to be content – not merely with material things, but being happy enough with what we have, who we are, and what the Lord has done for us. We need to stop looking to God as the Supplier of things, and start loving Him for who He is.
In Philippians 4:11, Paul said he had “learned” to be content. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But how do we learn to be content? I like practical steps to reach a goal, so I made the following list to help me learn to be content, and I pray it will be a blessing to you.
1. Work at it. Contentment does not come naturally.
2. If it is to be, it’s up to me. Why? Because I am the one who will benefit and no price is too high to pay. Don’t blame other or depend upon others or things. With God’s help, I can control my thoughts, feelings and reaction. Nothing affects me unless I let it.
3. Start where I am. Don’t play the “if” game. (“If” my circumstances were different, “if” I had different parents, “if” I had this or that, “if” my health were better, “if” I had not done so and so, “if”, “if”, “if”.)
4. Make a list of good things about my life and add to that list regularly. Thank God daily – out loud – for things on that list. Hearing myself voice my thanks will reinforce it in my heart and mind.
5. Don’t gripe or complain to myself or to others (tell only God of my doubts, fears, and disappointments). Discontentment voiced, grows.
6. Express love and appreciation to my family and friends whether or not I fee like it. Praise is contagious!
7. Invest in the lives of others.
8. Fill my life with godly things. (Philippians 4:6-9)
9. Don’t say “I can’t”. (Philippians 4:13)
10. Being content today is no guarantee for tomorrow. Contentment evaporates like water. Contentment is only possible if I am in the will of God.
“And let the peace of God rule in your heart….” Colossians 3:15