Sluice Box Adventures
Believing Bible Study in the 21st century
The Perfect Government
Psalms 12:6-7 "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."
1 Thessalonians 2:13 "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe."

The Perfect Government
Old Paths Baptist Mission © 2020 Richard St.James
VI. The United States of America
After the centuries of world
domination by the Gentile kings, the people chafed,
and moaned, under the reign of their sinful, selfish
leaders enamored with self. The people
suffered, as Israel suffered, under the bondage of
Exodus 2:23: “And it came to
pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt
died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of
the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up
unto God by reason of the bondage.”
The people who came to the
North American continent in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries were looking for something
different than the monarchical government … a
king in a kingdom.
They were terrified also
of both these: an aristocracy [or
oligarchy] and a democracy.
The oligarchical form of
government always degenerates into MOB RULE!
This fear was borne out
within seven years of the ratification of the
United States Constitution by the actions of the
Committee of Public Safety in France in the
Reign of Terror [1793 – 1794].
Watch out for the elitists;
watch out for the committees!!!
During the Reign of Terror, at
least 300,000 people were arrested; 17,000 were
officially executed, and perhaps 10,000 died in
prison or without trial.
It demonstrated that:
1. People are turbulent.
2. People are given to
3. People seldom judge
4. People waver over an
5. People are unstable
in their ways.
Remember an aristocracy
or oligarchy is a rule by few … a
They also knew that they didn’t
want a democracy because of what was in
These men “knew what was in
man” because they believed the Bible
[John 2:24].
These men envisioned a
government based on checks and
balances with which to impede evil men
because they saw through faith in God’s word
what was in man [EVIL].
Democracy = rule by many
The people who came to these
shores were different; they believed God’s
So, these people searched
the SCRIPTURES as those people searched the
SCRIPTURES in Thessalonica as recorded in Acts
chapter seventeen!
“These were more noble than
those in Thessalonica, in that they received the
word with all readiness of mind, and searched the
scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”
[Acts 17:11]
They fastened on to a
particular verse in the BIBLE which is located in
the book of Isaiah chapter thirty-three. Here
it is:
Isaiah 33:22: “For the LORD
is our judge, the LORD is our
lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save
· The
· The
· The
The three branches of
Government are comprised of the legislative branch,
the executive branch, and the judicial branch, and
have their roots in God’s Scripture [Isaiah 33:22].
This government could be said
to be an aggregate of a monarchy, an
aristocracy and a democracy.
Believing God that man
is a sinner, they believed this
government to be formulated was to
acknowledge the need that these three branches
identified here [the executive, the legislative and
the judicial] are to have built within and
outward of them a system of checks and
balances so as to impede the erosion of the
individual freedoms endowed to them of God.
"These and many other matters which might be
noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to
the mass of organic utterances that this is a
Christian nation."
Holy Trinity Church v. U.S.
What follows here is a
narrative of the boldest attempt to implement this
form of government [Isaiah 33:22] that ever has been
tried. When a group of men that fear God
congregate for the purpose of framing a government
to govern a people according to the word of God
there will ensue the fruit of many good things among
a people.
The following men were the
delegates from the twelve states (Rhode Island
didn't send a delegation) that met in Philadelphia
in 1787 to draft a new constitution. The resulting
document was signed by 39 of the 55 delegates on
September 17, 1787. William Jackson also signed the
document as secretary of the convention in
attestation of the document's validity.
1. John
2. James
3. George
New Hampshire
4. Nicholas
5. John
6. Nathaniel
7. Rufus King
8. William
Samuel Johnson
9. Roger
New York
10. Alexander
New Jersey
11. David Brearly
12. Jonathan Dayton
13. William Livingston
14. William Paterson
15. George Clymer
16. Thomas Fitzsimmons
17. Benjamin Franklin
18. Jared Ingersoll
19. Thomas Mifflin
20. Gouvernor Morris
21. Robert Morris
22. James Wilson
23. Richard Bassett
24. Gunning Bedford, Jr.
25. Jacob Broom
26. John Dickinson
27. George Read
28. Daniel Carroll
29. Daniel Jenifer
30. James McHenry
North Carolina
31. William Blount
32. Richard Dobbs
33. Hugh Williamson
South Carolina
34. Pierce Butler
35. Charles Pinckney
36. Charles Cotesworth
37. John Rutledge
38. Abraham Baldwin
39. William Few, Jr.
The fear of God was in
these men: “The fear of the LORD is the
beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy
is understanding.” [Proverbs 9:10]
These founding fathers had vision because they believed the BIBLE: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” [Proverbs 29:18]

From this list of thirty-nine
men we will focus on one man … the man George
Washington. [Note: All these men were imbued
with the fear of God as George Washington.]
We will begin with the
following record which will show the inner
thoughts of George Washington who more than
anyone else typified the kind of men living
in the times shortly before and during
the years of the formulation of the
government of the United States of America.
George Washington’s inner
conscientiousness of sin and the need for the
work of God’s grace through Jesus Christ in a
person is shown in his own testimony as
“A 24-page prayer book,
entitled "Daily Sacrifice," is credited to have been
handwritten by George Washington in 1752.” 5
and eternal Lord God, the great Creator of heaven
and earth, and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ; look down from heaven, in pity and
compassion upon me Thy servant, who humbly prostrate
myself before Thee, sensible of Thy mercy and my own
misery; there is an infinite distance between Thy
glorious majesty and me, Thy poor creature, the work
of Thy hand, between Thy infinite power, and my
weakness, Thy wisdom, and my folly, Thy eternal
Being, and my mortal frame, but, O Lord, I have set
myself at a greater distance from Thee by my sin and
wickedness, and humbly acknowledge the corruption of
my nature and the many rebellions of my life.
“I have sinned against heaven
and before Thee, in thought, word & deed; I have
contemned Thy majesty and holy laws. I have likewise
sinned by omitting what I ought not. I have rebelled
against light, despised Thy mercies and judgements,
and broken my vows and promises; I have neglected
the means of Grace, and opportunities of becoming
better; my iniquities are multiplied, and my sins
are very great. I confess them, O Lord, with shame
and sorrow, detestation and loathing, and desire to
be vile in Thine.
“I humbly beseech Thee to be
merciful to me in the free pardon of my sins, for
the sake of Thy dear Son, my only Saviour, Jesus
Christ, who came not to call the righteous, but
sinners to repentance; be pleased to renew my nature
and write Thy laws upon my heart, and help me to
live, righteously, soberly and godly in this evil
world; make me humble, meek, patient and contented,
and work in me the grace of Thy Holy Spirit.
“Prepare me for death and
judgement, and let the thoughts thereof awaken me to
a greater care and study to approve myself unto Thee
in well doing.
“Bless our rulers in church &
state. Help all in affliction or adversity - give
them patience and a sanctified use of their
affliction, and in Thy good time, deliverance from
them; forgive my enemies, take me unto Thy
protection this day, keep me in perfect peace, which
I ask in the Name and for the sake of Jesus. Amen.”
George Washington “knew what
was in man” because he believed the Bible
[John 2:24].
George Washington envisioned
a government based on checks and
balances with which to impede evil men
because he saw through faith in God’s
word what was in man [EVIL].
Next, we see God’s
supernatural intervention in preserving
George Washington’s life for a purpose … so that he
can be used in the formulation of a nation
– the United States of America.
“The account of George
Washington at the Battle at the Monongahela was
included in student textbooks in America until 1934.
During the French and Indian War, George Washington
fought alongside British General Edward Braddock. On
July 9, 1755, the British were on the way to Fort
Duquesne, when the French surprised them in an
ambush attack.
“The British, who were not
accustomed to fighting unless in an open field, were
being annihilated. Washington rode back and forth
across the battle delivering General Braddock's
orders. As the battle raged, every other officer on
horseback, except Washington, was shot down. General
Braddock was mortally wounded, at which point the
troops fled in confusion. On Sunday night, July 13,
1754, General Braddock died and Washington, under
cover of night, read the funeral service over him by
the light of a torch.” 7
“After the battle, on July 18,
1755, Washington wrote from Fort Cumberland to his
brother, John A. Washington:
“As I have heard, since my
arrival at this place, a circumstantial account of
my death and dying speech, I take this early
opportunity of contradicting the first, and of
assuring you, that I have not as yet composed the
But by the All-Powerful
Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected
beyond all human probability or expectation; for I
had four bullets through my coat, and two horses
shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death
was leveling my companions on every side of me!”8
“Fifteen years later,
Washington and Dr. Craik, a close friend of his from
his youth, were traveling through those same woods
near the Ohio River and Great Kanawha River. They
were met by an old Indian chief, who addressed
Washington through an interpreter:
“I am a chief and ruler over my
tribes. My influence extends to the waters of the
great lakes and to the far, blue mountains.
I have traveled a long and
weary path that I might see the young warrior of the
great battle. It was on the day when the white man's
blood mixed with the streams of our forests that I
first beheld this Chief.
I called to my young men and
said, mark yon tall and daring warrior? He is not of
the red-coat tribe - he hath an Indian's wisdom, and
his warriors fight as we do – himself alone exposed.
Quick, let your aim be certain,
and he dies. Our rifles were leveled, rifles which,
but for you, knew not how to miss - `twas all in
vain, a power mightier far than we, shielded you.
Seeing you were under the
special guardianship of the Great Spirit, we
immediately ceased to fire at you. I am old and soon
shall be gathered to the great council fire of my
father’s in the land of shades, but ere I go, there
is something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy:
Listen! The Great Spirit
protects that man [indicating Washington], and
guides his destinies - he will become the chief of
nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as
the founder of a mighty empire. I am come to pay
homage to the man who is the particular favorite of
Heaven, and who can never die in battle.” 9
“An Indian warrior who was in
that battle declared: Washington was never born to
be killed by a bullet! I had seventeen fair fires at
him with my rifle, and after all could not bring him
to the ground!” 10
“On July 8, 1755, Mary Draper
Ingels had been kidnapped from her home in Draper
Meadows, Virginia by a band of Shawnee Indians. In
her biography she recorded her escape in mid-winter
and her nearly one-thousand-mile trek back home. At
one point during her captivity, she overheard a
meeting that the Shawnee had with some Frenchmen.
They described in detail the British defeat in the
battle of Monongahela at Duquesne, and how the
Indian Chief Red Hawk claimed to have shot
Washington eleven times, but did not succeed in
killing him.”11
Next, we see George Washington
actively working to restrain sin in the
inception of our nation and to promote its
“On February 2, 1756, in a
letter to Governor Dinwiddie, Colonel Washington
wrote from Alexandria, Virginia:
‘I have always, so far as was
in my power, endeavored to discourage gambling in
camp, and always shall while I have the honor to
preside there.”12
“On April 18, 1756, in a letter
to Governor Dinwiddie, Colonel George Washington
wrote from Winchester, Virginia:
‘It gave me infinite concern to
find in yours by Governor Innes that any
representations should inflame the Assembly against
the Virginia regiment, or give cause to suspect the
morality and good behaviour of the officers....
I have, both by threats and
persuasive means, endeavored to discountenance
gambling, drinking, swearing, and irregularities of
every kind; while I have, on the other hand,
practiced every artifice to inspire a laudable
emulation in the officers for the service of their
country, and to encourage the soldiers in the
unerring exercise of their duty.”13
“In June of 1756, Colonel
George Washington issued the following order while
at Fort Cumberland: Colonel Washington has observed
that the men of regiment are very profane and
reprobate. He takes this opportunity to inform them
of his great displeasure at such practices, and
assures them, that, if they do not leave them off,
they shall be severely punished. The officers are
desired, if they hear any man swear, or make use of
an oath or execration, to order the offender
twenty-five lashes immediately, without a
court-martial. For the second offense, he will be
more severely punished.” 14
“On June 17, 1775, three
thousand British troops, under General William
Howe's command, charged from Bunker Hill to attack
the colonial soldiers on Breed's Hill, led by
Colonel William Prescott. Amos Farnsworth, a
corporal in the Massachusetts Militia, made this
entry in his diary immediately after the Battle of
Bunker Hill:
‘We within the
entrenchment...having fired away all ammunition and
having no reinforcements...were overpowered by
numbers and obliged to leave....I did not leave the
entrenchment until the enemy got in. I then
retreated ten or fifteen rods.
Then I received a wound in my
right arm, the ball going through a little below my
elbow, breaking the little shellbone. Another ball
struck my back, taking a piece of skin about as big
as a penny.
But I got to Cambridge that
night.... Oh the goodness of God in preserving my
life, although they fell on my right and on my left!
O may this act of deliverance of thine, O God, lead
me never to distrust thee; but may I ever trust in
thee and put confidence in no arm of flesh!”15
“On July 13, 1775, Governor
Jonathan Trumbull wrote from Lebanon, Connecticut,
to General George Washington, who had recently been
placed in command of the Continental Army:
‘The Honorable Congress have
proclaimed a Fast to be observed by the inhabitants
of all the English Colonies on this continent, to
stand before the Lord in one day, with public
humiliation, fasting, and prayer, to deplore our
many sins, to offer up our joint supplications to
God, for forgiveness, and for his merciful
interposition for us in this day of unnatural
darkness and distress.
They have, with one united
voice, appointed you to the high station you
possess. The Supreme Director of all events hath
caused a wonderful union of hearts and counsels to
subsist among us. Now therefore, be strong and very
May the God of the armies of
Israel shower down the blessings of his Divine
Providence on you, give you wisdom and fortitude,
cover your head in the day of battle and danger, add
success, convince our enemies of their mistaken
measures, and that all their attempts to deprive
these Colonies of their inestimable constitutional
rights and liberties are injurious and vain.”16
Next, we see George Washington
in fervent antirecessionary prayer to God for
“In 1777 while the American
army lay at Valley Forge, a good old Quaker by the
name of Potts had occasion to pass through a thick
wood near headquarters. As he traversed the dark
brown forest, he heard, at a distance before him, a
voice which as he advanced became more fervid and
‘Approaching with slowness and
circumspection, whom should he behold in a dark
bower, apparently formed for the purpose, but the
Commander-in-Chief of the armies of the United
Colonies on his knees in the act of devotion to the
Ruler of the Universe!
At the moment when Friend
Potts, concealed by the trees, came up, Washington
was interceding for his beloved country. With tones
of gratitude that labored for adequate expression he
adored that exuberant goodness which, from the depth
of obscurity, had exalted him to the head of a great
nation, and that nation fighting at fearful odds for
all the world holds dear....
Soon as the General had
finished his devotions and had retired, Friend Potts
returned to his house, and threw himself into a
chair by the side of his wife. ‘Heigh! Isaac!’ said
she with tenderness, "thee seems agitated; what's
the matter?"
"Indeed, my dear" quoth he, "if
I appear agitated 'tis no more than what I am. I
have seen this day what I shall never forget. Till
now I have thought that a Christian and a soldier
were characters incompatible; but if George
Washington be not a man of God, I am mistaken, and
still more shall I be disappointed if God does not
through him perform some great thing for this
The testimony of Henry Melchior
Muhlenberg as to George Washington believing God’s
words and his trust in the Son of God, Jesus Christ:
“Henry Melchior Muhlenberg,
pastor of the Lutheran church near Valley Forge and
one of the founders of the Lutheran Church in
America, noted concerning General Washington:
‘I heard a fine example today,
namely, that His Excellency General Washington rode
around among his army yesterday and admonished each
and every one to fear God, to put away the
wickedness that has set in and become so general,
and to practice the Christian virtues. From all
appearances, this gentleman does not belong to the
so-called world of society, for he respects God's
Word, believes in the atonement through Christ, and
bears himself in humility and gentleness. Therefore,
the Lord God has also singularly, yea, marvelously,
preserved him from harm in the midst of countless
perils, ambuscades, fatigues, etc., and has hitherto
graciously held him in His hand as a chosen vessel.’18
“On May 5, 1778, upon receiving
news that France had joined the War on the side of
the Colonies, General Washington issued the order
from his headquarters at Valley Forge:
‘It having pleased the Almighty
Ruler of the Universe propitiously to defend the
cause of the United American States, and finally by
raising us up a powerful friend among the Princes of
the earth, to establish our Liberty and Independence
upon a lasting foundation; it becomes us to set
apart a day for gratefully acknowledging the Divine
Goodness, and celebrating the event, which we owe to
His benign interposition.
The several brigades are to be
assembled at nine o'clock to-morrow morning, when
their Chaplains will communicate the intelligence
contained in the Postscript of the Gazette of 22nd
inst., and offer up a thanksgiving, and deliver a
discourse suitable to the occasion.”19
We have next, George
Washington’s prayer of supplication for his
“Washington's Prayer for the
United States of America appears on a plaque in St.
Paul's Chapel in New York City and at Pohick Church,
Fairfax County, Virginia, where Washington was a
vestryman, 1762-84:
‘Almighty God; We make our
earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States
in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the
hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of
subordination and obedience to Government; and
entertain a brotherly affection and love for one
another and for their fellow Citizens of the United
States at large, and particularly for their brethren
who have served in the Field.
‘And finally that Thou wilt
most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do
justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with
that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind
which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author
of our blessed Religion, and without a humble
imitation of whose example in these things we can
never hope to be a happy nation.
‘Grant our supplication, we
beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”20
“On May 10, 1786, George
Washington wrote from Mount Vernon to Marquis de
‘Your late purchase of an
estate in the colony of Cayenne, with a view of
emancipating the slaves on it, is a generous and
noble proof of your humanity. Would to God a like
spirit would diffuse itself generally into the minds
of the people of this country.”21
“George Washington took the
oath of office, Thursday, April 30, 1789, on the
balcony of Federal Hall, in New York City, with his
hand upon an open Bible.
In addition to the Presidential
Oath of Office, as prescribed in the Constitution,
Washington added a phrase which, though not
mandatory, has been used by every President since:
So help me, God.” 22
George Washington’s Inaugural
Address by fervent supplications for God’s eternal
rules of order and right is as follows:
“Following the ringing of
church bells, explosion of artillery and deafening
applause, President George Washington proceeded to
Federal Hall, at Wall and Nassau Streets, to deliver
his Inaugural Address to both Houses of Congress.”23
“It would be peculiarly
improper to omit, in this first official act, my
fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who
rules over the universe, who presides in the
councils of nations and whose providential aids can
supply every human defect, that His benediction may
consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the
people of the United States a Government instituted
by themselves for these essential purposes; and may
enable every instrument employed in its
administration to execute with success, the
functions allotted to his charge.
‘In tendering this homage to
the Great Author of every public and private good, I
assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not
less than my own; nor those of my fellow-citizens at
large, less than either. No people can be bound to
acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which
conducts the affairs of men more than the people of
the United States.
Every step by which they have
advanced to the character of an independent nation
seems to have been distinguished by some token of
providential agency; and in the important revolution
just accomplished in the system of their United
government, the tranquil deliberations and voluntary
consent of so many distinct communities, from which
the event has resulted cannot be compared with the
means by which most governments have been
established, without some return of pious gratitude,
along with an humble anticipation of the future
blessings which the past seem to presage.
These reflections, arising out
of the present crisis, have forced themselves too
strongly on my mind to be suppressed. You will join
with me I trust in thinking, that there are none
under the influence of which the proceedings of a
new and free Government can more auspiciously
The foundations of our national
policy will be laid in the pure and immutable
principles of private morality, and the preeminence
of free government be exemplified by all the
attributes which can win the affections of its
citizens and command the respect of the world.
I dwell on this prospect with
every satisfaction which an ardent love for my
country can inspire, since there is no truth more
thoroughly established than that there exists in the
economy and course of nature, an indissoluble union
between virtue and happiness....
We ought to be no less
persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can
never be expected on a nation that disregards the
eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself
has ordained; and since the preservation of the
sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the
republican model of government are justly considered
as deeply, perhaps finally, staked of the experiment
intrusted to the hands of the American people....
I shall take my present leave;
but not without resorting once more to the Benign
Parent of the Human Race, in humble supplication
that, since He has been pleased to favor the
American people with opportunities for deliberating
in perfect tranquillity, and dispositions for
deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of
government for the security of their union and the
advancement of their happiness, so His divine
blessings may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged
views, the temperate consultations and the wise
measures on which the success of this Government
must depend.”24
The record of the United States
Senate acknowledges and adores the Great Arbiter of
the universe – God.
“On May 7, 1789, the U.S.
Senate delivered the following address to President
George Washington and Vice-President John Adams:
‘We, the Senate of the United
States, return you our sincere thanks for your
excellent speech delivered to both Houses of
‘When we contemplate the
coincidence of circumstances and wonderful
combination of causes which gradually prepared the
people of this country for independence; when we
contemplate the rise, progress, and termination of
the late war, which gave them a name among the
nations of the earth, we are with you unavoidably
led to acknowledge and adore the Great Arbiter of
the universe, by whom empires rise and fall. A
review of the many signal instances of divine
interposition in favor of this country, claims our
most pious gratitude; and permit us, sir, to
observe, that, among the great events which have led
to the formation and establishment of a Federal
Government, we esteem your acceptance of the office
of the President as one of the most propitious and
We feel, sir, the force and
acknowledge the justness of the observation that the
foundation of our national policy should be laid in
private morality. If individuals be not influenced
by moral standards, it is vain to look for public
We commend you, sir, to the
protection of Almighty God, earnestly beseeching him
long to preserve a life so valuable and dear to the
People of the United States, and that your
administration may be prosperous to the nation and
glorious to yourself.”25
“On September 19, 1796, in his
Farewell Address, President George Washington said:
‘Profoundly penetrated with
this idea, I shall carry it with me to the grave, as
a strong incitement to unceasing vows that Heaven
may continue to you the choicest tokens of its
beneficence; that your union and brotherly affection
may be perpetual; that the free constitution, which
is the work of your hands, may be sacredly
maintained - that its administration in every
department may be stamped with wisdom and virtue....
The name of AMERICAN, which
belongs to you, in your national capacity, must
always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than
any appellation derived from local discriminations.
With slight shades of difference, you have the same
Religion, Manners, Habits, and political
Of all the dispositions and
habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion
and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain
would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who
should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human
happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men
and Citizens.
The mere Politician, equally
with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish
them. A volume could not trace all their connections
with private and public felicity. Let it simply be
asked where is the security for prosperity, for
reputation, for life, if the sense of religious
obligation desert the oaths, which are the
instruments of investigation in the Courts of
And let us with caution indulge
the supposition, that morality can be maintained
without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the
influence of refined education on minds of peculiar
structure, reason and experience both forbid us to
expect that national morality can prevail in
exclusion of religious principle.
Tis substantially true, that
virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular
government. The rule indeed extends with more or
less force to every species of Free Government. Who
that is a sincere friend to it, can look with
indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation
of the fabric? ...
Observe good faith and justice
towards all Nations. Cultivate peace and harmony
with all. Religion and Morality enjoin this conduct;
and can it be that good policy does not equally
enjoin it? ... Can it be, that Providence has not
connected the permanent felicity of a Nation with
its virtue? ...
Though, in reviewing the
incidents of my Administration, I am unconscious of
intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of
my defects not to think it probable that I may have
committed many errors. Whatever they may be I
fervently beseech the Almighty to avert or mitigate
the evils to which they may tend.
I shall also carry with me the
hope that my country will never cease to view them
with indulgence; and that after forty-five years of
my life dedicated to its service, with an upright
zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be
consigned to oblivion, as myself must soon be to the
Mansions of rest.”26
George Washington warns us in
his Farewell Address that there is a “spirit of
encroachment” within man that tends to
consolidate the powers of all the departments into
one to create a real despotism.
spirit of encroachment =
ends with despotism
“Of note are other passages
from Washington's Farewell Address, delivered
September 19, 1796:
‘In contemplating the causes
which may disturb our Union, it occurs as matter of
serious concern, that any ground should have been
furnished for characterizing parties.... One of the
expedients of Party to acquire influence, within
particular districts, is to misrepresent the
opinions and aims of other Districts. You cannot
shield yourselves too much against the jealousies
and heart burnings which spring from these
And of fatal put,
in the place of the delegated will of the Nation,
the will of a party; - often a small but artful and
enterprising minority....They are likely, in the
course of time and things, to become potent engines,
by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men
will be enabled to subvert the Power of the People
and to usurp for the themselves the reins of
Government; destroying afterwards the very engines
which have lifted them to unjust dominion....
One method of assault may be to
effect, in the forms of the Constitution,
alterations which will impair the energy of the
system, and thus to undermine what cannot be
directly overthrown.... It is indeed little else
than a name, where the Government is too feeble to
withstand the enterprises of faction....
I have already intimated to you
the danger of Parties in the State....Let me now
take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the
most solemn manner against the baneful effects of
the spirit of Party, generally.
This spirit, unfortunately, is
inseparable from our nature, having its roots in the
strongest passions of the human Mind. It exists
under different shapes in all Governments, more of
less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in
those of the popular form it is seen in its greatest
rankness and is truly their worst enemy....
Domination of one faction over
another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural
to party dissention, which in different ages and
countries has perpetrated the most horrid
enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.
But this leads at length to a
more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders
and miseries, which result, gradually incline the
minds of men to seek security and repose in the
absolute power of an Individual...[who] turns this
disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on
the ruins of Public Liberty....Ill-founded
jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity
of one part against another, foments occasionally
riot and insurrection. - It opens the doors to
foreign influence and corruption, which find a
facilitated access to the Government itself through
the channels of party passions. Thus, the policy and
the will of one country, are subjected to the policy
and will of another....
It is important, likewise, that
the habits of thinking in a free Country should
inspire caution in those entrusted with its
administration, to confine themselves within their
respective Constitutional spheres; avoiding in the
exercise of the Powers of one department to encroach
upon another.
The spirit of encroachment
tends to consolidate the powers of all the
departments in one, and thus to create, whatever the
form of government, a real despotism. A just
estimate of that love of power, and proneness to
abuse it, which predominates the human heart is
sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this
The necessity of reciprocal
checks in the exercise of political power; by
dividing and distributing it into different
depositories, and constituting each the Guardian of
the Public Weal against invasions by the others, has
been evinced by experiments ancient and modern; some
of them in our country and under our own eyes. To
preserve them must be as necessary as to institute
If in the opinion of the
People, the distribution or modification of the
Constitutional powers be in any way particular
wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the
way which the Constitution designates. But let there
be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one
instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the
customary weapon by which free governments are
destroyed. The precedent must always greatly
overbalance in permanent evil any partial or
transient benefit which the use can at any time
Avoiding likewise the
accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions
of expense, but by vigorous exertions in time of
Peace to discharge the Debts which unavoidable wars
may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon
posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to
In the execution of such a plan
nothing is more essential than that
permanent...attachments for other [countries] should
be excluded....The Nation, which indulges towards habitual fondness, is in some degree a
slave....It makes the...Nation subservient to
projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition
and other sinister and pernicious motives.
A passionate attachment of one
Nation for another produces a variety of evils.
Sympathy for the favourite nation, facilitating the
illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases
where no real common interest exist, and infusing
into one the enmities of the other, betrays the
former into a participation in the quarrels and Wars
of the latter, without adequate inducement or
justification: It leads also to concessions to the
favorite Nation of priviledges denied to others,
which is apt doubly to injure the Nation making the
concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what
ought to have been retained, and by exciting
jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate,
in the parties from whom equal priviledges are
And it gives to ambitious,
corrupted, or deluded citizens...facility to betray,
or sacrifice the interests of their own country,
without odium, sometimes even with popularity:
gilding with the appearances of a virtuous sense of
obligation, a commendable deference for public
opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the
base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption
or infatuation.
As avenues to foreign influence
in innumerable ways, such attachments are
particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and
independent Patriot. How many opportunities do they
afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice
the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to
influence or awe the public Councils! Such
attachment of a small or weak, towards a great and
powerful Nation, dooms the former to be the
satellite of the latter.
Against the insidious wiles of
foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me
fellow citizens) the jealously of a free people to
be constantly awake; since history and experience
prove that foreign influence is one of the most
baneful foes of Republican Government.
Real Patriots, who may resist
the intriegues of the favorite, are liable to become
suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes
usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to
surrender their interests.
The Great rule of conduct for
us, in regard to foreign Nations, is in extending
our commercial relations to have with them as little
political connection as possible....
Europe has a set of primary
interests, which to us have none.... Hence therefore
it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by
artificial ties.... Why forego the advantages of so
peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon
foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny
with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace
and prosperity in the toils of European Ambition,
Rivalship, Interest, Humour or Caprice?
`Tis our true policy to steer
clear of permanent Alliances with any portion of the
foreign world.... (I hold the maxim no less
applicable to public than private affairs, that
honesty is always the best policy) ....
Taking care always to keep
ourselves, by suitable establishments, on a
respectably defensive posture.... 'Tis folly in one
Nation to look for disinterested favors from must pay with a portion of its
Independence for whatever it may accept....
There can be no greater error
than to expect, or calculate upon real favours from
Nation to Nation. 'Tis an illusion which experience
must cure, which a just pride ought to discard....
In offering to you, my
Countrymen these counsels of an old and affectionate
friend, I dare not hope they will make the strong
and lasting impression, I could warn
against the mischiefs of foreign Intriegue.” 27
George Washington exhorted his
adopted son to fulfill the obligations that
God has laid upon him in order to produce
happiness in his life which would act to
benefit his fellow man.
“On November 28, 1796, from
Philadelphia, President Washington wrote to his
adopted son, George Washington Parke Custis:
‘The assurances you give me of
applying diligently to your studies, and fulfilling
those obligations which are enjoined by your Creator
and due to His creatures, are highly pleasing and
satisfactory to me. I rejoice in it on two accounts;
first, as it is the sure means of laying the
foundation of your own happiness, and rendering you,
if it should please God to spare your life, a useful
member of society hereafter; and secondly, that I
may, if I live to enjoy the pleasure, reflect that I
have been, in some degree, instrumental in affecting
these purposes.”28
George Washington on the
logic of life:
“It is impossible to account
for the creation of the universe, without the agency
of a Supreme Being. It is impossible to reason
without arriving at a Supreme Being.
‘Religion is as necessary to
reason, as reason is to religion. The one cannot
exist without the other. A reasoning being would
lose his reason, in attempting to account for the
great phenomena of nature, had he not a Supreme
Being to refer to.” 29
George Washington, then
zeros in on how critical God and the Book are …
to rightly govern a people:
“George Washington is
attributed as having stated:
‘It is impossible to rightly
govern the world without God and the Bible.” 30
As Washington saw it man’s
sin is the root problem to all trouble and
sin always leads to tyranny:
“The blessed Religion revealed
in the Word of God will remain an eternal and awful
monument to prove that the best Institutions may be
abused by human depravity; and that they may even,
in some instances, be made subservient to the vilest
of purposes.” 31
Even at the end of his life
George Washington revealed in his Last Will, an awe
in God’s Name and a desire to see all men free.
George Washington believed all men should be
“In his Last Will and
Testament, George Washington stated:
‘In the Name of God, Amen...
All my debts, of which there
are but few, and none of magnitude, are to be
punctually and speedily paid....
To my dearly beloved wife,
Martha Washington, I give and bequeath the use,
profit, and benefit of my whole estate, real and
personal, for the term of her natural life....
Upon the decease of my wife it
is my will and desire that all slaves whom I hold in
my own right shall receive their freedom....
And to my mulatto man, William,
(calling himself William Lee), I give immediate
freedom, or, if he should prefer it (on account of
the accidents which have befallen him, and which
have rendered him incapable of walking, or of any
active employment), to remain in the situation he
now is, it shall be optional in him to do so: In
either case, however, I allow him an annuity of
thirty dollars during his natural life, which shall
be independent of the victuals and clothes he has
been accustomed to receive, if he choose the last
alternative; but in full with his freedom if he
prefers the first: - and this I give him, as a
testimony of my sense of his attachment to me, and
for his faithful services during the Revolutionary
War.” 32
Thus, we have seen displayed the inner man of George Washington in all of the preceding.
Now, for a glimpse into another
founding father, that of Thomas Jefferson.
Let Thomas Jefferson testify in
defense of himself as to what he truly believed
concerning the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Thomas Jefferson was not a deist.
“DEIST, n. One who believes in
the existence of a God, but denies revealed
religion, but follows the light of nature and
reason, as his only guides in doctrine and practice;
a freethinker.”
“On April 21, 1803, President
Thomas Jefferson wrote to Dr. Benjamin Rush, who was
also a signer of the Declaration of Independence:
‘My views...are the result of a
life of inquiry and reflection, and very different
from the anti-christian system imputed to me by
those who know nothing of my opinions. To the
corruptions of Christianity, I am, indeed, opposed;
but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I
am a Christian in the only sense in which he wished
any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines
in preference to all others.” 33
“Continuing in his letter to
Dr. Benjamin Rush, April 21, 1803, President Thomas
Jefferson wrote of Jesus:
‘His system of morals...if
filled up in the style and spirit of the rich
fragments He left us, would be the most perfect and
sublime that has ever been taught by man....He
corrected the deism of the Jews, confirming them in
their belief of one only God, and giving them juster
notions of His attributes and government....
The precepts of philosophy, and
of the Hebrew code, laid hold of actions only. He
pushed his scrutinies into the hearts of man,
erected his tribunal in the region of thoughts, and
purified the waters at the fountainhead....
Of all the systems of morality,
ancient and modern, which have come under my
observation, none appear to me so pure as that of
Jesus.” 34
Thomas Jefferson “knew what
was in man” because he believed the Bible
[John 2:24].
Thomas Jefferson also
envisioned a government based on
checks and balances with which to
impede evil men because he saw through
faith in God’s word what was in man [EVIL].
Earlier we heard from John
Witherspoon. Now, we have yet more of the
witness from this founding father, John
Hear his powerful voice in his
testimony of the dangers of trusting in, or the
boasting of, the arm of flesh of sinful men.
John Witherspoon only trusted in God.
“Witherspoon, John (February 5,
1723-November 15, 1794), was an American
Revolutionary patriot and clergyman. Born in
Scotland, being a descendant of John Knox on his
mother's side, John Witherspoon's influence as an
educator was widely felt in America. He signed the
Declaration of Independence and was a member of the
Continental Congress. He was a primary proponent of
separation of powers insisting on inclusions to
check and balance the power of government.
He served on over 120
Congressional committees, including: the Board of
War, the Committee on Secret Correspondence, or
Foreign Affairs, and the Committee on Clothing for
the Army.
As president of Princeton
University, 1768-94, he graduated 478 students who
directly shaped America, including: James Madison,
who served eight years as Secretary of State and
eight years as U.S. President; Aaron Burr, Jr., who
was a U.S. Vice-President; 3 U.S. Supreme Court
justices; 10 Cabinet members; 13 state governors; 21
U.S. Senators; 39 U.S. Representatives; and 114
ministers.” 35
“Through his students, John
Witherspoon's views were reflected in our
Constitution, as 9 (one-sixth) of the 55 delegates
to the Constitutional Convention were graduates of
Princeton University: Gunning Bedford Jr. of
Delaware; David Brearley of New Jersey; William
Richardson Davie of North Carolina; Jonathan Dayton
of New Jersey; William Churchill Houston of New
Jersey; James Madison of Virginia; Alexander Martin
of North Carolina; Luther Martin of Maryland; and
William Paterson of New Jersey.” 36
“On May 17, 1776, the same day
the Continental Congress declared a National Day of
Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, Reverend John
Witherspoon delivered a sermon at Princeton
University entitled "The Dominion of Providence over
the Passions of Men," in which he stated:
‘While we give praise to God,
the Supreme Disposer of all events, for His
interposition on our behalf, let us guard against
the dangerous error of trusting in, or boasting of,
an arm of flesh....
If your cause is just, if your
principles are pure, and if your conduct is prudent,
you need not fear the multitude of opposing hosts.
What follows from this? That he
is the best friend to American liberty, who is most
sincere and active in promoting true and undefiled
religion, and who sets himself with the greatest
firmness to bear down profanity and immorality of
every kind.
Whoever is an avowed enemy of
God, I scruple not to call him an enemy of his
country.” 37
John Witherspoon propounded
that true religion and civil liberty
are inseparably tied:
“It is in the man of piety and
inward principle, that we may expect to find the
uncorrupted patriot, the useful citizen, and the
invincible soldier. - God grant that in America true
religion and civil liberty may be inseparable and
that the unjust attempts to destroy the one, may in
the issue tend to the support and establishment of
Now, in the matter of the human
conscience, Witherspoon linked temporal
property to the freedom of conscience.
“And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a
conscience void of offence toward God, and toward
men.” [Acts 24:16]
“John Witherspoon championed
against “tyranny of conscience,” citing: ‘There is
not a single instance in history, in which civil
liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved
entire....If therefore we yield up our temporal
property, we at the same time deliver the conscience
into bondage .... [Governments are to] defend and
secure rights of conscience in the most equal and
impartial manner....” 39
This right of conscience
frees a person to pursue his hearts delight in the
things of this life upon this earth. The physical
things meet the spiritual things here.
They are linked!
He is free to do what? He
is free to pursue happiness. His
garners being full and his oxen being
healthy is connected to his heart
seeking after God. This is where true
happiness is found. “Happy is that
people, that is in such a case: yea, happy
is that people, whose God is the LORD.”
[Psalm 144:15]
John Witherspoon in this vein
pressed his message of these “ancient
rights” [the freedom of conscience] to
his natural kin – the Scottish people living
“John Witherspoon continually
crusaded for freedom, not only by circulating a
letter urging ministers to support independence,”
… “but also, by publishing a
sermon beseeching Scotsmen to insist on their
"ancient rights" against Britain, entitled: "Address
to the Natives of Scotland residing in America."
Witherspoon speaks next of the
danger of moral bankruptcy [this
rottenness] bringing God’s judgment upon our
“In his “Pastoral Letter,” he
explained: ‘Universal profligacy makes a nation ripe
for divine judgements and is the natural means of
bringing them to ruin; reformation of manners is of
the utmost necessity in our present distress.”
“As a convention delegate from
the colony of New Jersey, Rev. Witherspoon argued in
favor of separation from England, declaring:
‘Gentlemen, New Jersey is ready to vote for
independence. In our judgement, the country is not
only ripe for independence, but we are in danger of
becoming rotten for the want of it, if we delay any
longer!” 43
Next in his “Thanksgiving
Sermon” he beseeches Americans everywhere,
and in every way to live to the
glory of God. The manner of this
glory is found in this way: “I am crucified
with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but
Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live
in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God,
who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
[Galatians 2:20]
“After the peace treaty was
negotiated with England, John Witherspoon delivered
his “Thanksgiving Sermon,” entreating Americans to
live for:
‘The Glory of God, the public
interest of religion and the good of others, [as]
civil liberty cannot be long preserved without
virtue. [A Republic] must either preserve its virtue
or lose its liberty.” 44
Conclusion: Virtue and
liberty are found together! They are
the natural friends that will bring a nation,
or a people to right thoughts – to health:
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever
things are just, whatsoever things are
pure, whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report; if
there be any virtue, and if there be any
praise, think on these things.” [Philippians
“An insight into John
Witherspoon's convictions can be gleaned from the
sermons he presented while pastor of Laigh Kirk in
Paisley, Scotland, from 1757 to 1768, which
“The Absolute Necessity of
Salvation through Christ.” 45
“Inquiry into the Scripture
Meaning of Charity,” which he described as ‘an
ardent and unfeigned love to others and a desire of
their welfare, temporal and eternal ... [with] the
deepest concern for their dangerous state." 46
“The Trial of Religious Truth
by Its Moral Influence,” using the text “By their
fruits ye shall know them.” 47
“John Witherspoon's beliefs can
be seen in his statements:
‘The character of a Christian
must be taken from Holy Scriptures...the unerring
standard.” 48
“Fly also for forgiveness to
the atoning blood of the great Redeemer...” 49
“Press every hearer to a
sincere concern for his own soul's salvation.”
“The doctrine of divine
Providence is very full and complete in the sacred
oracles.” 51
“In his Lectures on Divinity,
Witherspoon enumerated: Religion is the grand
concern of us all...the salvation of our souls in
the one thing needful.” 52
“In regards to man's need for
redemption, Reverend John Witherspoon explained:
‘The corruption of our the foundation-stone of the doctrine of
redemption. Nothing can be more absolutely necessary
to true religion, than a clear conviction of the
sinfulness of our nature and state....
Men of lax and corrupt
principles take great delight in speaking to the
praise of human nature, and extolling its dignity,
without distinguishing what it was at its first
creation, from what it is in its present fallen
state. But I appeal from these visionaries
reasoning’s to the history of all ages, and the
inflexible testimony of daily experience.
Candid attention, either to past history of present
state of the world, but above all, the ravages of
lawless power, out to humble us in the dust....
The evil of sin appears from
every page of the sacred oracles.... The history of
the world is little else than the history of human
Nothing is more plain from
scripture, or better supported by daily experience,
than that man by nature is in fact incapable of
recovery without the power of God specially
interposed.” 53
“In reflecting on “conscience,”
Reverend John Witherspoon delineated:
There remains so much of God
written on the conscience of even the most
It pleased God to write his law
upon the heart of man at first. And the great lines
of duty, however obscured by their original
apostasy, are still so visible as to afford an
opportunity of judging what conduct and practice is
or is not agreeable to its dictates.
Such authority hath natural
conscience still in man that it renders
those...inexcusable in the sight of God (Rom.
1:20-2:14). But it is of importance in the present
argument to observe, that everyone is able to pass a
far surer judgement on the moral character of
another, than his own. The pollution of the heart
brings a corrupt bias on the judgement, in the man's
own case.... In determining the character of others,
this bias is less sensibly felt.” 53
“Reverend John Witherspoon,
who had lost two sons in the Revolutionary War, was
the epitome of a patriot.” 54
After his wife died in October
of 1789, he re-entered politics, heading up a
committee in the New Jersey legislature to abolish
slavery.” 55
“A true son of liberty. So he
was. But first, he was a son of the Cross.” 56
For John Witherspoon it was
this way: “But God forbid that I should glory,
save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom
the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the
world.” [Galatians 6:14]
Again, John Witherspoon
“knew what was in man” because he believed
the Bible [John 2:24].
Again, John Witherspoon also,
envisioned a government based on
checks and balances with which to
impede evil men because he saw through faith
in God’s word what was in man [EVIL].